Monday, January 10, 2011

2011-01-09 Vilanova de Prades - Various

Les Alzines - Canta Corbs, 5.  Quick warm up and as soon as we touch rock, it starts spitting with rain.  But this isn't England, it's Spain, so rain didn't stop play.  Then 6a+ "Hip-Hop" next to it with an overhang to get over.

Then the 1-starred "Animal", 6a+.  Brute force start and a thin lower section.  Upper section is worth the star.  Lower section is filthy.

Raco Dels Corbs - Ochi Tai-Tai, 6a+, 1 star.  Beautiful route, long, sustained with great holds all the way up.

"Lluvia y Truenos" next to it, 6a.  Unstarred.  Not bad but if there are other routes you haven't done, I'd recommend leaving this till later.

After lunch, the mighty "Hipnotizadas", 6a+, 1 star.  Brutal start, nice fluid climbing till the top.  Marc tests the 6b "Dame Tu Aire" next to it - a project for another day.

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